In today’s run-of-the-mill life, if we can take some time out to keep our body fit, then it can be very good for us. Yoga can play a good role in this, with some yoga exercises, we can keep our body fit and mind calm. Often people want to do yoga, but avoid doing yoga because of less knowledge about the benefits of the respective steps and not knowing their exact actions. In the Corona pandemic, when the government imposed a lockdown and people were locked in their homes, people took the help of yoga to keep them fit, and today it has become a habit of most people, which is good. All of us can get relief from common diseases by proper yoga postures.
Morning time is best for our health. At this time you get fresh air, which keeps the mind calm and the body healthy with healthy oxygen. Positive thoughts come to mind in the morning. The way you start your day the whole day has its effect on your mood and work. If you start well then your mind and mood remain good throughout the day. Morning sun rays are quite essential for greater health. Morning time 3o minute yoga can stay you fit in a long life. Yoga experts suggest these yoga asanas to keep fit our mind and body.
Warm-Up your body: – The first step is to warm up your body, from the feet to the head, you need to slowly turn your joints so that the muscles of the body are stretched enough, after that, you can prepare the body for the next steps.
Sun Salutation: – Surya Salutation is considered to be the best among yoga asanas. This is a physical activity that is done during sunrise; it consists of 12 actions that put pressure on the whole body. It is very helpful in keeping the heart strong & healthy. Keeps it doing on regular basis.
Breathing Exercise: – It will help you to strengthen your lungs and heart. Try it anytime anywhere. Breathe through your nose or continue the process for 3-5 minutes, then take a break and repeat. It balances your blood pressure and relaxes the body; it keeps your lungs healthy.
Shavasana: – Through this oxygen reaches the body which is very beneficial for the heart. To do this, first of all, go late to the ground, leave both the palms open, then inhaling the breath and slowly exhale. This keeps you healthy.
Trikonasana: – This asana activates the core muscles of the body, which help in balance and stability. This pose reduces stiffness in the spine and back. Flexibility increases in this body. This gives energy to the body and it also keeps the heart active. To do this, stand straight with your feet, there should be a gap in the feet, after that while taking the left hand up, bend the waist to the right side and repeat it on the other side.
Tree Pose: – The Tree pose improves balance and stability of feet, strengthens ligaments, extends the entire standing leg to the buttocks, and assists the boy to establish pelvic stability. It also helps to strengthen our thigh, vertebral column, ankle, calf.
Thunderbolt Pose: – This pose strengthens our digestive system and protects us from gastric and indigestion. It helps to keep the mind calm and stable, curing our digestive acidity and gas formation, helping to relieve knee pain, strengthening thigh muscles, relieve from back pain, and strengthening sexual organs.
Warrior Pose: – This yoga asana benefits the chest, heart, and shoulders. It strengthens your shoulders, arms, legs, ankles, and back, Opens your hips, chest, and lungs, Improves focus, balance, and stability, Encourages good circulation and respiration, Stretches your arms, legs, shoulders, neck, belly, groins and ankles.
Anjali Mudra: – This yoga posture helps in working out mental stress and anxiety. It improves our concentration and mental health. As we greet someone by joining our hand, same the posture of Anjali mudra ‘prayer position’.
Ustrasana: – This yoga pose keeps your backbone straight and gives you relief from the neck pan. It helps to stretches the front of the body, strengthens the legs and back, stretches the chest, opens up the hips, stretch hip flexors, strengthens arms.
Bhujangasana: – This yoga posture provides relief from upper body stiffness. It makes the lower area of the back flexible and makes the core strong. It opens your heart and lungs, stretches chest and lungs, shoulders and abdomen shapes the buttocks stimulates our abdominal organs and helps to relieve stress and fatigue.