There’s some good news for those in the process of obtaining American citizenship for years. It is reported that the US Parliament is currently examining an amendment to the law that will allow people who are waiting to get a green card can get citizenship upon meeting certain requirements and certain requirements. The bill is in the early stages. The process could be lengthy. The green card backlog is huge with millions of individuals, particularly IT professionals, are at risk of it.

They must renew their work visas again and repeatedly. It is part of a reconciliation plan that was presented by the House of Representatives. It is referred to as the Permanent Resident Card. It is issued to people who are immigrants i.e. immigrants.
An upcoming House bill could grant green card relief to thousands of families and individuals who are stuck in a backlog for years and also grant legitimacy to millions of foreigners within the United States without legal status. While the bill doesn’t include permanent reforms to the structure of the current process of immigration, it will likely permit more people to be granted permanent residence over those who were able to under the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act and offer relief to large families, skilled immigrants as well as employers.
Judiciary Committee will give information
The bill is currently being considered through members of the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives. The committee makes decisions in immigration-related matters. In the statement of the committee, applicants for green cards will need to pay an additional cost of 5 000 dollars. Forbes Magazine has given this information. If a US citizen is sponsoring an immigrant, in this case, the cost will be reduced by half that is 2 and half thousand dollars.
If the prior date for the applicant is longer than two years old, the fee is $1500. As per the document, the fee is separate from the processing cost. This means that this fee must be paid separately, and the processing fee will be distinct.
The process can take a lot of time
The mindset of US governments concerning green cards has begun to shift. In the time of Donald Trump, work visas became difficult. Trump declared that the top prioritization of companies should be providing jobs for American citizens. Joe Biden opposed it and has promised reforms. However, they’ve had no success on the issue to date. If we consider the bill in its entirety, it’s clear that it will take some time to be passed.
The Judiciary Committee is considering it. In the next few days, there will be a lengthy debate in both houses about the issue. There will be many proposals and they will be discussed. Once all the issues are settled the President will take his final choice. Only after his signature does the bill be enacted.
Others may also gain
According to a report from CBS News, if this bill passes, then the people who came to America at a very young age, and are not able to obtain immigration papers. The people who work in the essential areas of the agricultural phase and Covid will also benefit from this. Many believe the Indians or Chinese citizens will gain greater from the bill. But, some experts believe that the bill will bring all immigrants together under an agreed-upon structure.
According to reports, “legal dreamers” in America who are classified as children who belong to the H-1B visa holders, who have reached 21 or have reached their retirement age, or who are expected to retire can also obtain citizenship and permanent residency under the Reconciliation Bill that was released in the US House Judiciary Committee. Despite the raging demand for H-1B visas, reports suggest that the US government is not planning to eliminate the limits on green cards for countries or to increase the annual limit of work visas available in the country. This visa type is utilized extensively by US technology companies that employ an enormous number of Indians each year.